How it works & Adding Text
3D Crystal Shop: Providing you with beautiful, unique personalized 3D laser crystal gifts, using our state of the art laser engraving technology.
Unique, stunning gifts that won't tear or fade away.
If you are having any problems uploading your image, please email us

2D Engravings
2D can be full body/half body, pretty much anything! And includes everything that is in the image unless specified.
If you require text added to your crystal, simply add the small message you would like engraved whilst choosing your desired Crystal.
3D Engravings
3D Engravings are, unless specified, engraved in half body (from waist up).
However, we will design, size and engrave the image you provide, to the Crystal you have chosen, for the best results.
Household pets are full body.
4D Engravings
We now offer the most advanced lasering technique to date.
Full 4D lasering, means your image is whole and complete, visible fully, from every angle!
We can use this method to engrave people, buildings, pets, vehicles, pretty much anything!
For this option we require images from every angle, for example, for a person we would need pictures from the front, back and the sides.
4D Prices Are Available On Request, Please Contact Us: email or use the contact form on our website.
Our Crystals are available in many beautiful designs: Blocks - Cubes - Diamonds - Hearts - Keychains - Awards - and more...
Our beautiful crystal gifts are engraved with your photo and are the perfect way of capturing those cherished memories forever. 3D crystal customized into 3-dimensional designs of your photo engraved deep inside a stunning crystal shape of your choice.
1 2 3 Easy Order Processing:
Simply Choose Your Desired Crystal, Upload Your Image & Any Text Required & Leave The Rest To Us!
3D laser photo crystals are the perfect personalized gift your loved one will cherish forever.
Create your own 3D engraved crystal photo gifts for any occasion.
Our state of the art laser effect in 2D or 3D works great on photos of people, pets, vehicles and a multitude of objects!
It enables our designers to produce a unique extrusion that makes it look like the person or object is really inside the crystal. Looking at the crystal from the side gives a detailed view that actually protrudes, creating that perfect 3D effect.
100% Premium Grade A crystal that can be beautifully illuminated with one of our LED Light Bases.
Please note
We will design your image to the crystal you purchase. This may be an image from the waist up or shoulders up, depending on the image and Crystal chosen.
Please remember to add any text you require during the checkout process.
If you have a specific font in mind, please add when entering your text. If we do not have your required font, we will use the closest style available.
We are sorry, if text is not requested at time of order, we cannot guarantee text requests via email thereafter, especially at busy periods.
Don't worry if the people you wish to have engraved are on separate photos, we will do all the artwork completely free, to bring your loved ones together in the same beautiful crystal.
Personalized 3D engraved photo crystals are the ultimate gift. Give a beautiful and unique gift for holidays, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, awards, memorials or simply for that special someone in your life.
We highly recommend purchasing an LED light base with your Crystal, as the light really does emphasize the image inside.
If you are unsure about anything, or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us email